Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We're Flying!

Avoca Beach Cubs and Scouts are scheduled to attend the Scout Air Activities Centre flying day and course on Sunday 7th December 2008.

Details are:

For cubs, the Cub Level 2 Badge day is designed to be run in conjunction with a normal Activity Flying day. The cost for the course is $53.00 (including GST) per Cub with a deposit of $5.00 per person payable within 6 weeks. This covers a flight in the Scout aircraft, a model aircraft, and use of the Centre. Leaders and family members need only pay for their flight ($49.00, including GST) if participating in this activity. Should you have members wishing to participate in the badge course but not wishing to fly then the cost is $15:00 we do not recommend this as most young people need to feel part of the overall activity and take part in the flying experience.

For scouts, The cost of the course is $49:00 per scout, which includes GST, with a deposit of $5:00 per scout payable within 5 weeks of booking. Leaders, family members and friends are welcome to participate in the flying part of this activity, the cost for this is the same as for the Scout Badge Course.

See you there and lets take to the air!

See Musca for more details.

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