Monday, March 24, 2008

We Want You !

No not scouts, (although we could do with a few more...), but parents.

As our current parent supporters group committee is now retiring, some members having served admirably for up to ten years, all committee positions now fall vacant and must be filled immediately if 1st Avoca Beach Scouts is to continue successfully. We ask for your support.

Our Group Committee is an essential part of the 1st Avoca Beach Scout Group. It is comprised of a group of caring parents that work to support the uniformed Leaders running the affairs of the group in practical ways like keeping the hall maintained, collecting fees, paying the bills, assisting with the organization of activities, social events and raising funds to meet the Group's ongoing expenses.

The Group Committee usually meets once a term for a one hour meeting where most of the business is conducted. It’s serious stuff keeping the wheels turnin’ and the lights-a–burn’n. The harsh reality is though our parent supporters can enjoy a pretty good social life just by being involved. Scouting is for children, but it is their parents as well as caring adults who give the youth scouting. All our Leaders and committee members have volunteered their time and talents to enable the scout program to be delivered to our youth members.

Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held on the 2nd April and it is essential we fill the important committee positions of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Hall Hirer and Fundraising/Job Week Co-ordinator by that date. There are also other roles available, but these are the important positions to be filled for our group to function. The work involved in these positions is not onerous and I can provide a full description of the roles and responsibilities together with all assistance and support needed.

If these important supporter roles are not filled for 2008, then our group would need to close as it cannot function without the input provided by these positions.

PS at any time we are also ALWAYS looking for leaders. A few new scout leaders at the moment would certainly not go astray. For the ultimate challenge and fun, be a leader!

Please support us.

Rob “Musca” Milne – Group Leader, 1st Avoca Beach Scouts

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