Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cub swimming Wednesday and Clean Up Australia Day Sunday

Dear Cubs and parents,

This Wednesday on our calendar is our swimming night.
We will be swimming at the Peninsula Leisure Centre, 243 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy from 7pm-8.30pm.
This is a lot of fun and also an opportunity for those who need to get swimming badges or achieve higher levels for those that already have them.
Double the fun, invite your friends!
Permission note for this activity is on the website, under the calendar tab for the date of this activity, please bring it with you on the night.

Cost for those swimming is $2.90 for those aged 5 - 9, ages 10 - 16 is $3.50 and above 16 is $4.80.
Non-swimmers/spectators is $2.20.

Also this Sunday is Clean Up Australia Day which is being conducted at the Avoca Scout Hall by the Lions Club from 9am - 11am.
Scouts, as both a community and an environmentally oriented organisation, are always keen to pitch and help. This is great a way for our kids to be involved in a community project. We hope to see you there. I believe that, depending on numbers, the Lions Club may be putting on a BBQ afterwards.
Permission note also on the website.

Next week, Wednesday 5th March is a hall night.

Lastly, advance notice for our Glenrock family surf camp to be held on the weekend of the 15/16th March, reserve your calendar now, don't miss this one !

For further information see our website at www.avocascouts.com

Thanks and see you there,


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